Little Wonders

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Little Wonders is a specialized service offered by Journey Kids Dental. We focus on addressing tongue ties and lip ties in babies, ensuring that every mother has the opportunity to successfully breastfeed her child. Our mission is to make breastfeeding a reality for all mothers by providing expert care and support.

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Helping Babies Breastfeed with Ease

At Little Wonders, we believe in a comprehensive, team-based approach to ensure the best outcomes for your baby. Our multidisciplinary team collaborates to provide holistic care and support throughout your journey.

A group of people standing next to each other on a white background.

Collaborative Care

Our approach involves working closely with a range of specialists, including pediatricians, lactation consultants, speech therapists, and more. This collaboration ensures that all aspects of your baby's health and well-being are addressed.

A black and white icon of a clipboard with numbers on it.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Every baby is unique, and so are their needs. Our team develops personalized treatment plans tailored to each baby, considering all factors that may affect their ability to breastfeed and thrive.

A baby wrapped in a blanket and a pair of socks.

Ongoing Support

We don't just perform procedures and send you on your way. Our team is committed to providing ongoing support and follow-up care to monitor your baby's progress and address any concerns that may arise.

A black and white icon of an open book on a white background.

Education & Empowerment

We believe that informed parents are empowered parents. Our team takes the time to educate you about tongue ties, the treatment process, and what to expect, ensuring you feel confident and supported every step of the way.

Benefits of Laser Frenectomy

Little Wonders at Journey Kids Dental is proud to offer advanced laser frenectomy procedures for infants and children. A frenectomy is a minor surgical procedure that corrects tongue-ties and lip-ties, which can significantly improve breastfeeding and other oral functions.

What is a Laser Frenectomy? A laser frenectomy is a procedure that uses a laser to release the frenulum, the connective tissue that restricts the movement of the tongue or upper lip. This method is preferred over traditional surgical techniques because it is minimally invasive and promotes faster healing.

  • Minimally Invasive: The laser coagulates as it cuts, reducing the need for stitches and minimizing bleeding.

  • Quick Healing: Children often experience faster recovery times compared to traditional surgical methods.

  • Reduced Discomfort: The procedure is typically less painful, and many infants can feed immediately after the surgery.

  • Precise: The laser allows for a high degree of precision, ensuring only the necessary tissue is removed.
A woman is holding a baby up in the air

Our Services

At Little Wonders, we offer a range of specialized services to address tongue ties and related issues, ensuring that every baby has the best start in life. These services are designed to help both babies and mothers achieve successful breastfeeding, improving overall health and well-being.

Myofunctional Therapy

This therapy aims to correct the improper function of the tongue and facial muscles, helping improve issues with talking, eating, and breathing. It involves exercises to strengthen these muscles and promote proper function.

Tongue Tie Treatment

We provide safe and effective procedures to release tongue ties, which can significantly improve a baby's ability to latch and breastfeed. This treatment helps alleviate the feeding difficulties caused by restricted tongue movement.

Expansion Dental Appliances

For more severe cases, we use expansion dental appliances to widen the palate and provide more room for airflow. This treatment can permanently correct the anatomy of a child's mouth, improving breathing and reducing sleep-disordered breathing symptoms.

Collaborative Care

Our team works closely with pediatricians, lactation consultants, speech therapists, and other specialists to provide holistic care and support. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that all aspects of your baby’s health are considered.

Personalized Treatment Plans

We develop tailored treatment plans for each baby, taking into account their unique needs and symptoms. This personalized approach ensures the most effective and efficient care.

Ongoing Support and Education

We are committed to supporting mothers throughout their breastfeeding journey, providing ongoing guidance and education about tongue ties, treatment processes, and what to expect.

Popular Questions

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What is a tongue tie?

    A tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition where a baby’s tongue is tethered to the floor of the mouth by a tight piece of tissue (frenulum). This can restrict tongue movement and make breastfeeding difficult.

  • How do I know if my baby has a tongue tie?

    Signs of a tongue tie include difficulty latching during breastfeeding, prolonged feeding times, clicking sounds while feeding, and poor weight gain in your baby. Mothers might also experience pain during breastfeeding.

  • How is a tongue tie treated?

    Tongue ties can be treated with a simple procedure called a frenotomy, where the tight tissue is gently released to allow for better tongue movement. This procedure is quick, often performed in our office, and provides immediate improvement.

  • Is the frenotomy procedure safe?

    Yes, the frenotomy is a safe and quick procedure. It involves minimal discomfort for the baby and typically heals very quickly. Our experienced team ensures that the procedure is done with the utmost care.

  • What should I expect after the procedure?

    After a frenotomy, many babies show immediate improvement in their ability to latch and breastfeed. Some babies may need a little time to adjust, and our team will provide guidance and support to ensure a smooth transition.

Testimonials from Happy Mothers

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We’re Here to Help You and Your Baby

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2022 NE 18th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305


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The logo for little wonders sleep and airway wellness

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2022 NE 18th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305
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